Ohhhh say can you see…A flaming drink?
Why yes. Yes you can. This year for the 4th, we decided to kick up our dessert and drink game, with some flare. We proudly present: Blazin’ Bananas Foster!
What better holiday to celebrate with fire, family, food, drinks, oh and more fire?
After blending, testing, igniting, drinking, and tweaking, we have come up with another exciting way to light up the night. We also have some helpful hints to make this as easy as throwing some snap dragons!
After collecting your ingredients, let’s get down to business! Starting with those caramelized bananas…..Oooodellali.
These little fellas are nice, because you can caramelize and freeze them for later when you make the drinks, or use them once they have cooled. (After taste testing a few of course!)
Now bring on the Butta! Heat that non-stick skillet up to a toasty medium high, and toss in the butter. When the butter sizzles at the touch of the bananas, it’s ready. Places your banana slices (best at about 1/4 to 1/2 in thickness) and half the brown sugar in the butter and sear until golden brown, then flip carefully with a fork. Sprinkle with Brown sugar, the rest of the butter, and swirl the mixture around in the pan to cover the bananas evenly. This should take no more than 5 min.
Oopsie, camera misfire while we were cooking the bananas hehe..shoe twins anyone?…..now back to the pan..
When the other side of your banana slices are a golden brown quickly and carefully remove them to a flat non stick cooling surface. We used a silpat mat here.
Poor prego Meg Meg was hot and tired of all the tasty smells in the air.
As the caramelized bananas cool, start the blending.
Throw about a third of a banana, your two cups of ice cream, and a splash of milk in the blender and blend until smooth, and thick.
We used an ice cream with caramel and chocolate notes, and it was absolutely lovely in the drink, but plain vanilla or something close will work also.
Then whip up some cream for the top!
Pour your blender mixture into two (small mason jars pictured) narrow glasses leaving a good amount of space from the top of the glass. Then top with whipping cream.
Make a small well with the whipping cream to hold bananas and rum when you are ready.
At this point, you can also throw these babies in the freezer to bust out when the time is right, or just go for gold! Freezing them a couple minutes also makes the rum part a little easier!
Er.. an alcohol with 80 proof or more! (Otherwise your Blazin’ Bananas will be…not Blazin’ hehe)
A.) This must be done safely. So please remove anything that can catch easily on fire away from your cups! (and put your hair up!)
B.) Add the Rum, the bananas and the fire in a fairly short amount of time or it will melt and not light.
C.) Have your cinnamon at the ready in a small bowl you can pinch from!
D.) Gently blow the flames out immediately after the cinnamon sprinkle dang it! You don’t want all the Kraken to burn off or to be sipping from a super heated glass rim now do ya?
E.) Have a couple spoons or straws nearby!
Carefully lay in a few bananas and pour in the rum SLOWLY.
Then light the Rum on fire!
Sometimes, it will look as though it hasn’t caught on fire but it is! So be careful! The flame will be blue.
Now take a good three finger pinch of cinnamon and hold your hand about a foot above your glass, and sprinkle down on the flames, enjoy the show!
Don’t forget: Blow out the flame before drinking!
- 1 banana sliced
- 2 Tbs brown sugar
- 2 Tbs Butter
- 2 cup Ice Cream
- ¼ milk
- ⅓ of a frozen banana
- ½ cup cold heavy whipping cream
- 2 tsp cinnamon
- 1 oz Kraken Rum
- Heat non-stick skillet with 1 Tbs of butter. When hot enough to sizzle bananas, toss them in.
- Sprinkle with brown sugar, and gentle swirl the pan around. about 4 min.
- When bananas have a nice golden sear on the bottom, carefully flip them with a fork.
- Add the second Tbs of butter.
- Cook another couple minutes, swirling around, until the other sides are golden and gently remove them from pan to non-stick surface like, silpat. Let cool.
- For the drink: blend the ice cream with milk and frozen banana until smooth.
- Whip up your whipping cream until thick and pillowy.
- Fill glasses or jars with blended ice cream and top with whipped cream.
- Use spoon to make a tiny well in the cream.
- Arrange a few banana slices on top of cream off to the side.
- Pour the measured rum, into a smaller, separate cup for safer, controlled pouring.
- Pour the rum carefully into the cream wells, about a half ounce in each glass, and light it on fire.
- Quickly grab a pinch on cinnamon and sprinkle from 12 inches above the flames.
- Enjoy the show and grab big straw and blow out the flames!

I looovvvee bananas foster! Definitely going to be trying this one.
So glad we got to make these! Thank you for the help! haha Now come up so we can make them again and have a doggie play date!
Wow! Can’t wait to see that tomorrow! Had to laugh, did you forget your dad is a fireman and even blows out my candles? Lol
haha He was excited about it! and possibly a little nervous, but it worked out awesome!
This is so happening on our vacation! Genius!!
We had so much fun with this one! Nothing like a little sparkle! haha